Asian wedding ceremony traditions are varied and fascinating. Be it the hair comb, a crimson thread with cypress leaves or a specialized tea marriage ceremony, we take you through some of the most gorgeous practices practiced in an Asian marriage.

The Japanese Shinto wedding ceremony is a very intimate one. There are no finest men plus the groom’s father may not even become there. Instead of a ring bearer, a miko (female associate to the priest) brings reason for the couple to consume. The bridegroom drinks primary, taking three sips before spending the glass to his bride. Then they share a simlar amount Read the full story of sake with each other and proclaim « omedeto gozimasu ».

During a Chinese marriage ceremony, the groom will lead a procession for the bride’s home with firecrackers and loud music to show that he is thrilled to bring the person to his family. He may become accompanied by a kid, who represents his wish for children. Then the woman of good fortune will certainly combed the bride’s your hair while dragon phoenix candle lights happen to be lit and blessing lines are go through.

This can be a beautiful and meaningful wedding ceremony. It represents a transition from youth to adult life and a new beginning. The bride’s mother or a close female comparably will also make the bed in the couple, overcharge it with flowers and a mix of longans, persimmons and crimson dates, which symbolize love, abundance and durability.

A special tea feast day is then served to honour the bride’s and groom’s family members. Each of the lovers serve tea to their familiar and maternal grandpa and grandma, older and the younger uncles and aunties and then their married littermates.

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